AAA - Action Against Ageism

AAA - Action Against Ageism

Human rights Social protection & inclusion

Project details

Project period: 01.01.2019. - 31.06.2020
Project implemented by:

Hilfswerk International – Consortium Leader

Project partners:
  • Association for Help and Development HAJDE
  • Red Cross Society of BiH
  • Partnership for Public Health
  • BiH institutions and municipalities/ cities/ Brčko Distrikt
Project budget: 194 368,71 EUR
Project financed by:
  • Hilfswerk International Representation Office Sarajevo
  • European Union

Main objective:

  • Supporting the priorities of human rights in the EU and in BiH determined by the Regulation of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) for the period 2014-2020, by fighting against ageism.

Specific objective:

  • Improve the social and institutional capacities to recognise and face ageing and discrimination of older persons in line with the priorities outlined in the Strategies for improving the position of older persons in FBiH and RS.

Direction of action:

  • Developing capacities of institutions and those who deal with human rights in BiH.
  • Promoting individual active participation of older persons and increasing the competences of associations for older persons, as well as volunteer activism.
  • Raising awareness about issues related to the human rights of older persons.

Expected results:

  • Increased institutional capacities for the protection of human rights of older citizens in the provision of social care and other services.
  • Increased capacities of direct service providers of care for older persons to introduce an anti-discriminatory approach in service provision and inform older persons and the public about the available support systems and rights.
  • Promotion and support of the active participation of older persons in the local community.
  • Publicly promoted anti-discriminatory media approach and social responsibility to ensure a social environment that enables dignified ageing.

Planned activities:

  • Organisation of a thematic conference (including experts from the EU and the region);
  • Creation of a baseline study regarding the position of older persons in BiH;
  • Formation and organisation of the work of a working group with representatives of relevant institutions that deal with the protection of human rights and care for older persons in BiH, as well as representatives of the older population. Creation of a working group report with reccommendations;
  • Creation and distribution of Guidebooks to support older persons and their access to services, as well as their inclusion in society;
  • Training a group of 200 volunteers/activists in project regions, who will be educated to provide improved services to older persons who are unable to leave their home;
  • Organisation of workshops and meetings for older persons in centres for healthy ageing and informing older persons about their rights;
  • Public campaign for the promotion of an anti-ageist approach – web, TV, electronic media, four short videos created for the project. Assessment of media and report with the aim of changing the way we think, feel, and act towards old age and ageing;
  • Organisation of a final conference and presentation of the project results;

Project beneficiaries:

  • At least 325 persons and 13 institutions will be directly involved and have direct benefit from the implemented activities, while more than 250,000 persons will have long-term benefit.

Project partners:

Association for Help and Development HAJDE
Red Cross Society of BiH
Partnership for Public Health
BiH institutions and municipalities/ cities/ Brčko Distrikt

Project financed by:

Hilfswerk International Representation Office Sarajevo
European Union