Two workshops were held for the purpose of drafting the Protocol on Cooperation in the Acceptance Procedure of Vulnerable Readmitted Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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The Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with the implementing partner Hilfswerk International , in the period from 20 - 22 of May 2024 held the second workshop for the creation of the "Protocol on cooperation in the procedure of acceptance and temporary placement of vulnerable readmitted BH citizens in social protection institutions", which is a continuation of the activities started during the first workshop held at the beginning of May ( 07 -  09 May 2024). Both workshops are conducted within the framework of the project "Support to the system of reception and integration of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina returning under readmission agreements - phase II" which is financed by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees of the Republic of Germany (BAMF).

The goal of this project is reflected in the further strengthening and construction of a functional, efficient and sustainable readmission system at all levels of executive power that will be able to adequately respond to the dynamics of acceptance, referral, integration and provision of appropriate support to vulnerable categories of readmitted citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In this regard, the workshops held with the aim of creating a mentioned Protocol, will result in a finalized document that regulates the ways of cooperation and the responsibilities of all actors in the process of caring for the temporary placement of vulnerable readmitted citizens of BiH in social protection institutions.

On this occasion, representatives of the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees and the previously appointed entity and cantonal coordinators actively worked on creating, harmonizing and adjusting the content of the mentioned Protocol, which will result in clear guidelines on the cooperation process and activities in the acceptance process.

Through the interactive participation and cooperation of the entity and cantonal coordinators who participated in the plenary discussions during this two-day event, the representation of all important actors in the entire process was ensured, which ended with the definition of conclusions and an agreement on the next activities of this and other project activities followed with the submission of comments on the preliminary version of the created document.

The aforementioned Protocol is one of two planned that will be implemented as part of the same project, which, in addition to defining and ensuring access to the category of vulnerable readmitted citizens of BiH,  includes adequate reception and accommodation of readmitted citizens of the third age, chronically ill and persons with disabilities; to also help readmitted psychoactive substance addicts in the process of rehabilitation and integration.

In addition to the above-mentioned document, project will also provide creation of a "Manual on procedures for ensuring the appropriate rights and integration of BiH citizens who return on the basis of readmission agreements", which will map the existing possibilities in current legislation and administrative practice, which have been identified as the best way to facilitating the integration of readmitted BiH citizens. Also, the project will finance the development of the document  "Information for BiH citizens returned on the basis of the readmission agreement", which will contain all the necessary information and contacts for the further exercise of rights in the local community.

Through additional support for the digitization of the readmission system, capacity building of the structures in charge of the readmission process will continue, as well as work to protect the visa-free regime for the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

More about the project: herzegovina-returning-under-readmission-agreements-phase-ii/20